As good traditional cuisine, these good ingredients of warm and traditional space, a good do with soul and heart behind the bar and a grateful clientele that has here his house or that space of encounter with the well-known and not so known give as a result The special atmosphere that breathes this bar. Where you can find clients of very different generations united around a single table at lunch time sharing conversation, jokes and laughter. Or the energy of the soccer fan who shares that moment with the other assistants while the party is projected on the big screen in the middle of the premises. As well as quiet hours around their wooden tables where you can enjoy a good coffee at any time of the day.
Its ample parking by the truck stop that one day was, make it an easy access point for any type of vehicle. And its wide terrace open in summer and sheltered from the cold and the wind in winter becomes the most frequented space of the whole place at any time of day and year.
The local, where the warm wood is the predominant element, stands out for its cozy and homely atmosphere. Where the land of the history of the place joins to the details of daily life, simple and friendly of a bar of town that welcomes to all that approaches here. Open from seven in the morning until after dark it is an open door for the passing tourist, the assiduous traveler or the neighbor of the people.